1995 Bugs Series One
First broadcast on BBC1 in 1995, BUGS follows the investigative adventures of Ed, Ros and Beckett as they track down callous saboteurs and ruthless assassins. Ed (Craig McLachlan) is a helicopter pilot, daredevil climber and martial arts expert; Ros (Jaye Griffiths) is as at home behind the wheel of a skidding car in a high speed chase as in front of a computer screen, and Beckett (Jesse Birdsall) is forever risking his life, whether it be being imprisoned in a flooded submarine, defeating high-tech defence systems and defusing time bombs with seconds on the clock. Their enemies are corrupt politicians, international criminals, renegade scientists, dictators and megalomaniacs of all kinds. SPECIAL FEATURES Main Character Biographies Season One Background Information including Biographies on Allies, Villains and Organisations
This region 2 DVD disc set is in very good condition.